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Man In Black - Season 1 - Episode 102

Episode 4 years ago

Man In Black - Season 1 - Episode 102

Final Episode

“The rest of you, see if you can trace where the voice is coming from.”

Some of the officers sat up, waiting for the voice to come again.What is Mr Clyde even doing?Tobi turned around to see that he had entered into one of the cubicles and perched on the edge of a desk, listening with an amused expression on his face. The Chief on the other hand was dialing a number on his phone.

Yes, I’ll strike again, but I am a friend of the police, so rest assured that you’ll be in the know of my next victim and when he will be taken.

Some of the junior officers who had stood up to listen came out and ran past Tobi to trace the source.

Tobi felt unnerved hearing that voice, because each time he did he remembered how he had felt as he lay slumped in his car seat with a bullet in his back, while more tore his car to pieces around him.

Clyde dé Crozon, a tête-à-tête, if you would oblige me. Apapa wharf, Eleven o’clock tonight. Come alone, and I will find you. Bring the police and I won’t. Till tonight, adieu.

That last sentence had a sense of finality. It was the end, Tobi knew.

Kunle ran into the aisle again. “We found where the voice was coming from, sir. Small speakers, four of them.” He showed his superior four little black things that looked like dead insects in a white-gloved hand.
“These tiny things?” Tobi asked. And he said they were speakers?
“They look small, yes, but they were very loud.”

“Here, let me see,” Clyde said from behind. Kunle gave him one. He turned it between his thumb and forefinger.
“High-power bluetooth speakers. Very portable. I’ve seen them sold in France.” He gave it back.

“Kunle, get two of these things to Cole. Tell him to check them out, and then send two to Bode in the lab, tell him to run fingerprint scans on them. Make sure they bag them when they’re done.”
“Yes sir.” He left again.

The two officers he had sent out came in, panting and covered in sweat.
“Sir, we checked around as you said,” one of them said, “but we didn’t see anything or anyone suspicious. We asked the gatemen, but they didn’t see anybody. We even went to other streets. . . ”

“That’s all right,” Tobi said impatiently. At least he had been using phones before these smartphones came along that had Xender. He knew how small bluetooth connectivity range was. “Dry yourselves and go back to your office.”

“Tobi, Mr Clyde,” the Chief said, “my office, now.”

He marched away, leaving them to follow him. When they entered his office, it was to see him pacing. As Tobi wheeled himself to the Chief’s table he noticed with annoyance that Mr Clyde still looked amused, as if all of this was a game to him.

“Does he always behave this way? Informing the police of all he wants to do beforehand?” he asked, smiling as the Chief walked over to the table.

“He did it before he killed the Defense Minister,” Chief Rikau said miserably. “He told us, and we still couldn’t stop it. He put Tobi in that wheelchair. He is right, Mr Clyde, he can do it again if he wants, and we cannot stop him. The police force is just. . . ” He dropped heavily into his chair.

Tobi hoped the Chief wasn’t about to say “an illusion”, because he certainly didn’t agree with the Eel. And it hadn’t been in their power to stop the death of the Minister. They’d handed the issue over to the defense ministry when that phone call came in.

Tobi knew they could solve this case if they had the chance. But how would he do that? He couldn’t even walk. And he didn’t have anyone competent enough under him, either. The only one who had a chance was Mr Clyde.
“And don’t you think it’s in your power to make it a little more than that? You have solved many other cases, no? This one is no different. Gentlemen, you can redeem the image of the police. All we have to do is to solve this case. Detective, if you would be kind enough to tell the Chief of our findings about the bullet.”

Tobi sat up and told the Chief of what Mr Clyde had told him in his office, about the rifle the Eel had used in his first murder. When he was done, the police Chief looked as sceptical as Tobi had first felt.

“And you’re telling me something like that is actually possible, Mr Clyde?”
“Positive. Though we may not encounter it again in this case.”

“Isn’t there something we’re forgetting?” Tobi asked. “How was he able to play the message? Shebi you said that those things are bluetooth speakers, so which means he must have used a phone or something, and it would have to be close by. Even self, how on earth did the speakers even get into the building in the first place?”
The look on Clyde’s face was grave.
“Someone broke in over the weekend and planted them, that’s how, detective. Your men may look for the device he used if you want, but there are more important things. What will happen tonight is one of them.”
“I don’t care about his conditions, Mr Clyde,” Chief Rikau said brusquely, “you are taking a police squad out there. If he wants to meet you, that is his business, but we must end this before he kills another person.” Tobi backed up the statement with a nod, his eyes focused on Mr Clyde to see his reaction.
“We might be able to bring him in, but I would not count on it. About my escort, I don’t think there will be any need for a police squad. One or two trained men will be enough, and you know,” a smile lit up his features, “I know just the perfect people for the job.”

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Man In Black - Season 1 - Episode 101

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