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Vanishing (2022) (Korean) | Download Mp4

Movie 1 year ago

Download Vanishing (2022) (Korean)

Alice is a forensic scientist who invented a revolutionary technique in the field of restoring damaged corpses. She visits South Korea to attend a conference and receives a request from the Korean police to perform an autopsy on a corpse found in a river. Jin Ho, the detective in charge, learns from the autopsy result that the body is related to an organ trafficking syndicate.

Adapted from the novel "The Killing Room" by Peter May.

Name: Vanishing (2022)

Release year: 2022

Subtitle: English

Language: Korean

Genre: Crime, Detective, Investigation, melodrama, Murder, Mystery, Novel, Romance, Suspense, Thriller

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HD, But "May" be Optimized for Mobile Only. Still great.
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