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Every Girl's Dream - S01 E54

Story 1 year ago

Every Girl's Dream - S01 E54

Read Story: Every Girl’s Dream On Zeeworld, Sunday 9th April 2023 Update

We start the episode with The family is waiting for Krisha. Ugra says Krisha keeps doing some drama every day. Krisha comes there and shouts at Jaya, she says I know you are behind Basanti going missing. She tells the family that Jaya kidnapped Virendra for years, she was behind the accident of Dev’s parents.

She is their killer actually. Dev shouts at her and raises his hand but stops himself. He says Jaya is my mother, how can you even think like that about her? Jaya says it’s okay. Dev asks Krisha to apologize to her. Krisha says I am sure she is the criminal so I won’t apologize to her. I won’t stay here if you people can’t believe me. She leaves from there.

Krisha is leaving the house. Dev comes there and says you are not going anywhere. Krisha says if you can’t listen to me then I shouldn’t stay here, Jaya is not your well-wisher. You don’t want to listen to the truth but you never listen to me, it’s better that I leave. Dev says you can leave if you don’t trust me. He leaves from there.

Virendra is sitting in his room and recalls Krisha’s words. he tries recalling memories and suddenly he sees Jaya’s face in the memories clearly. He says Jaya was behind all this, I will tell Dev the truth. He tries to leave but Jaya comes there and glares at him. Virendra gets scared. Jaya says you want to tell the truth to Dev? You can go but I will kill your son then. Virendra turns around and sees that it’s his dream only. He says I can’t tell the truth to Dev.

Scene 2

Krisha is leaving the house. Jaya asks Dev to stop her, she tells Krisha to not go, she hugs her and whispers that I told you I would throw you out soon. Krisha glares at her and leaves the house.

Krisha is leaving the house but Virendra comes there and says you were right about Jaya, she was behind everything. Krisha says you remember everything now? Virendra says yes, I remember all the torture she did on me. Krisha says I am sorry, I couldn’t do justice for you. Virendra says I am sorry but I don’t have guts to fight with Jaya alone, she will kill me and Dev but you have guts to fight with her. Please don’t leave Dev and me with her. I am begging you.

Krisha comes back home. All look on. Krisha tells Dev that I realized my mistake. She says I will apologize to Jaya. She sits in her feet and says I am sorry. Jaya says you don’t have to, she hugs her. Dev glares at Krisha and leaves. Jaya tells Krisha why are you back again? Krisha smirks and says I am here to expose you soon. You will run away from here soon.

Krisha and Dev are lying on the same bed but in opposite directions. Krisha tries to talk to him but Dev says you have insulted my mother which I can’t forget. Krisha says there are misunderstandings between us but it will be clear soon.

Jaya comes to Vamika and says Krisha can’t find out about our relationship so don’t come to my room. Vamika says I am going to party, she leaves from there.

Krisha and Virendra are on a walk, he offers a flower and says I can’t see you sad, let’s talk to Dev and tell him the truth about what Jaya did to me. Krisha says Jaya will say that I filled your mind against her, Dev will believe her only. We have to trust God for a solution. Krisha and Virendra come back home. Vamika is leaving from there. Virendra tells Krisha that Vamika used to torture me with Jaya. Krisha says I also felt there is a connection with Vamika and Jaya. I have to find something.

Krisha goes and starts searching Vamika’s room. She finds an album there and is about to check it. Jaya is coming there so Krisha hides. Jaya starts cleaning her room and says this girl is so spoiled. Krisha thinks why is acting like she is her mother? Jaya finds the album there and takes it with her. Krisha finds the album gone. She finds Jaya’s phone there. Vamika calls her and says mummy I will be waiting so don’t worry. Krisha hears all that and thinks why was she calling Jaya’s mother? Jaya comes back to take her phone but Krisha hides.

Krisha tells Rati about how she found that Vamika is Jaya’s daughter. We have to find proof against them. Only then Dev will believe me.

Vamika comes back home and is drunk. She stumbles around. Jaya comes there and says you shouldn’t come back here drunk. Krisha comes there and asks her to be careful. Vamika leaves from there. Krisha tells Jaya I will expose you soon. I have brand new information about you. Jaya says you can’t do anything, you are just talking.

Krisha comes to Dev and says I love you, you shouldn’t be miffed with me. Dev says you shouldn’t have doubted Jaya. Krisha says what I said what true. Dev says what proof do you have? Krisha says there is an album in Jaya’s room that has proof. Dev says I don’t believe you, he leaves from there.

Krisha tells Rati that Dev is not trusting me anymore. Virendra comes there and says he will have to trust me. I have my memory back and I will tell the truth to Dev. Krisha says no, you can’t put yourself in danger. Virendra says no, he has to find the truth.

Jaya tells Vamika to be careful, you have drunk last night also. Vamika says I did call you beforehand. Jaya is confused.

Virendra and Krisha talks to Dev. Dev asks Virendra if he is confirming that Jaya kept him locked in the basement and Vamika used to torture him? Dev glares at Krisha and says I can’t believe you would stoop this low.

Vamika tells Jaya that I called you and you even took the call. Jaya checks her call records and finds her call taken. Jaya says I didn’t receive this call. Vamika asks then who did? Jaya says I left my phone in your room by mistake. It must be Krisha who took this call.

Dev tells Krisha that you are making him lie to me, you are using his mental condition to make him say whatever you want? Virendra says I remember all the torture. Dev asks why would Jaya and Vamika torture you. Krisha says because Vamika is Jaya’s daughter, ask her to give you that album and you will know the truth.

Jaya asks Vamika to leave her room. Vamika is about to leave but Krisha comes there with Virendra and Dev. Jaya asks what happened? Dev says I want to check an album in your room. Jaya says right now? Dev says yes, Krisha thinks there is proof in it which says Vamika is your daughter. Jaya says that’s not true.

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