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Can You See Me - S01 E172

Story 11 months ago

Can You See Me - S01 E172

Read Story: Can You See Me On Zeeworld, Thursday 18th May 2023 Update

We start the episode with Tantrik capturing Pihu’s soul in a bottle and takes her to his place. Pihu pleads to spare her as her mamma needs her. Tantrik says he cannot spare her as he wants to get powerful via her. Pihu pleads her daadi is very cruel and will trouble her mamma. Tantrik says he does not care and needs powers. He closes eyes and does havan. Pihu escapes from bottle and asks him to repeat what he needs. He with closed eyes repeats he needs power. She runs out happily.

She hears a voice that she may be caught again. Pihu asks who is speaking. It says magical water. Pihu sees water in a bowl which shows Pihu’s death incident and says she can show her past whichever she lies. Pihu asks to show incident 2 days ago. Pihu sees telling Gopal to save her mother. Anandita is seen rolling in temple. Vikram runs and stops her. Daadi fumes while Sooraj says god does not trouble a mother. Anandita says let her roll for Pihu’s sake. Vikram says he will protect Pihu and her. She cries on his shoulder. Daadi fumes seeing this.

Daadi continues her drama. Vikram warns her that he will protect Pihu and Anandita at any cost and nobody can stop him. Daadi tries emotional atyachar but fails. Gopal tells Pihu what is wrong if Vikram takes her father’s place and protect her mother. Pihu gets convinced.

Daadi cries thinking how to send her son away from Anandita. Mohini walks in and emotionally lures her to do something, else Anandita will take over Vikram soon. Pihu hears that and says not to listen to Mohini. Daadi runs down seeing lizard. Mohini cleans floor and drops lizard on her. Daadi slaps and yells at her. Pihu laughs whoever troubles her mamma, she will not spare them.

Vikram walks to Anandita’s room with medicine for her wounds. Anandita draw backs her leg. Vikram asks if she wants to go in front of Pihu like this. Anandita shows her wound. He applies medicines and says he wants to protect her by marrying her. She pushes him again saying she is his bhabhi and shouts at him to get out. He walks away. She feels guilty and runs behind. Daadi stops him and says she has a good news for him and feeding laddoo to Anandita says Vikram’s 29 gunn out of 32 match with the girl. Vikram asks whom. Daadi says Mohini…Vikram and Anandita are shocked.

Daadi informs Vikram that she has fixed his and Mohini’s alliance. Vikram says he does not agree. Daadi shouts she is still elder of this house and her decisions is final. She then yells at Anandita that she is not happy hearing that and alleges that she killed Subodh and asks if she shot him or hired someone. Vikram pleads her to stop, else Anandita’s condition will worsen. Daadi continues alleging Anandita. Anandita gets panic attack and breaks things shouting she did not do anything. Pihu gets worried. Vikram asks Daadi why she is purposefully provoking Anandita. Daadi shouts she will not accept Anandita as her bahu. Mohini and Bobby smirk at each other. Pihu goes and pleads Shona to come down as she mamma got panic attack and will calm down seeing her. Arrogant Shona enjoying chips and playing videogame shouts that her mother is insane and yells to get out. Pihu goes down helplessly.

Anandita continues panicking while Sooraj tries to hold her. Mohini signals Daadi. Daadi purposefully goes near Anandita who slits her hand with knife. Daadi starts drama that Anandita wants to kill her. Vikram rushes and gives injection. Anandita collapses. Vikram asks Daadi why did she provoke Anandita, she is mentally unstable. Daadi shouts to send her to mental hospital then. Vikram says he cannot leave Anandita and if she can leave this house. Daadi continues her drama.

Mohini goes aside and calls mental hospital to come and pick up Anandita. She looks at her recorded video and thinks Anandita will be kicked out of her own house, then she will marry Vikram and rule over this house. She goes to Daadi and brainwashes her that Anandita has done black magic on Vikram. Daadi says she doubted it from before and cries how can she save her son Vikram. Mohini says she knows a black magician tantrik who can help them.

Sona sees all the incidents on magical water and thanks it. She hears tantrik searching her and runs, but slips. Gopal holds her and says from hereon, he cannot help her.

Vikram presses Daadi’s legs and asks why is she getting trapped in tantrik’s trap. Daadi says she is ill because of chudail Anandita. Vikram warns to stop alleging Anandita and leaves. Mohini enters. Daadi thanks her for help and says soon Anandita will be out and Mohini will be in Vikram’s life.

Pihu asks Gopal why can’t he help her. He says he is go and can guide her, but cannot help always. She asks from when he became god, he is her friend and should help her. Gopal smiles. He goes to Tantrik and warns him to spare child as she is very innocent soul. Tantrik asks why is he interfering and let child fight alone. Gopal says he will not if tantrik does not trick. Tantrik agrees. Gopal warns there is no difference between him and his innocent disciples and if tantrik tries to harm innocent soul, he will repent.

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Can You See Me - S01 E171

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Can You See Me - S01 E173

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