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Unfortunate Love - S02 E97

Story 9 months ago

Unfortunate Love - S02 E97

Read Story: Un-fortunate Love Season 2 On Zeeworld, Tuesday 25th July 2023 Update

We start the episode with Lakshmi telling Malishka that she feels that she knows their love, but don’t want to accept it. She says I told you 1000 times to see yourself before telling me anything. Malishka says this is real Lakshmi and asks if she didn’t know that Rishi will do this. Dadi says if she had known then she wouldn’t have let Rishi do this. Malishka shouts at Dadi and tells that lakshmi knew about it, as she was confident that Rishi will freed her. He says whatever Rishi Bhai said, nobody knows about it. Dadi says Lakshmi can give her life for Rishi, so will she send him to jail. Malishka says you don’t know her. Dadi says she has experienced and asks her to stop it else she will ask her parents to make her quiet. Ayush says it is height, if someone is hearing then will you make her hear.

Malishka says some people are inauspicious, and splashes inauspicious things in Rishi’s life. Shalu asks her to stop it and says don’t utter any word, and says my tongue is long like you, but I am not saying you anything due to Di, else I would have shown you. Ayush says no, Shalu. He asks her to not to become like Malishka and says you are good, the way you are. Ahana says bhabhi is silent and peaceful, we need to be good too. Devika tells Malishka that she shall understand where to talk what? Dadi asks Lakshmi to have courage. Sonia says Lakshmi doesn’t care for Rishi. Ahana argues with her. Ayush asks Sonia to calm down and think about Lakshmi, says Rishi Bhai is lucky who got such a good lifepartner like Lakshmi. Malishka says Rishi is unlucky that he got such a brother like you, and says when he has brother like you, then he don’t need enemies.

Lakshmi and Ayush say Malishka. Malishka asks him to mind his actions. She says whatever is happening here, is happening due to Ayush, and says you have pushed Rishi to come near Lakshmi. Ayush says I wish you would have been a guy, then I would have mend your ways with one action. He says I am very proud that I brought them closer, and asks who are you, what is your work in our house, you stay in our house all the life, what is Rishi Bhai’s relation with you. Karishma asks Ayush to shut up and says shut up all of you. She says Ayush, you knows well that Rishi is everything to Malishka, she loves him. She says this Lakshmi came yesterday and Malishka was in his life from long back. Kiran says we need to wait for sometime, legally also Malishka will also become his wife. Abhay asks Ayush to ask Lakshmi the same question who is she to Rishi. Ayush says no, such thing will never happen, trust me. Malishka says I never imagined that Oberoi family will go to this extent for this girl. Dadi asks them to fight and cut each other with swords. She says who has started the fight. Malishka says Dadi. Dadi says she is feeling unwell hearing her nonsense. Lakshmi asks Dadi not to listen to her, and says Rishi will come back soon. Karishma hugs and pacifies Malishka. Malishka gets revengeful.

Virender calls Neelam. Neelam says my son went to jail infront of me and I couldn’t do anything. Virender says he is my son also. Neelam says if he was your son then why you didn’t do anything, and says until Lakshmi is here, nobody can do anything. Virender asks what is Lakshmi’s mistake in this? Neelam says you have become blind and couldn’t see the truth. He says you have become blind, and tells that you couldn’t see lakshmi’s goodness which Rishi could see. He says nobody knows that Rishi was doing this, not even Lakshmi. Neelam says Rishi is so understanding, then why did he take such a step. She says we are like two sides of the river which can never unite. Virender says you are seeing the two sides, but I can see the water which connects them. Neelam says she don’t want to argue and asks him to leave. Virender goes from there.

Ayush and Lakshmi bring Dadi to her room. Ayush asks Dadi not to feel bad about Malishka’s bad. Lakshmi makes Dadi have the medicine. Ayush says you are best Dadi. Dadi says Lakshmi is bestest, and I am the second best.

Malishka comes to meet Rishi and hugs him. She says she feels sorry for you. Rishi says whatever I did, is with heart and says mind listened to heart. Malishka says if you had told me, then I would have gone to jail instead of you, and would have got Lakshmi freed too. Rishi thanks her and says Lakshmi is his responsibility. Malishka says nobody loves him like her. Rishi says Lakshmi and asks how is she? Malishka says she is at home and is happy. Rishi says I know that she is not happy without me. Malishka asks if you love her. Rishi says I like her, she is really good, may be I love her.

Lakshmi prays to God and says Rishi is in trouble due to me, and asks why are you taking my test God. She says she is happy that Rishi loves her a lot and went to jail to save her. She says I know that he cares for me a lot and proved that he will never break the promise made to me, and will fulfill it always. She says I have to bring Rishi out somehow, and will not let him stay in jail.

Rishi says I really don’t know what I am feeling. Malishka says answer is just one and asks him to choose one of her fingers. She thinks if he holds my first finger then it means that he loves Lakshmi, else no. Rishi holds her first finger.

Ayush asks Lakshmi not to take tension. Lakshmi says she knows how it feels to stay there, and says he has fulfilled his promise. She says she has promised herself that she will get Rishi freed and will expose the guilty person who have mixed poison in the food. She says I have to save Oberoi family’s respect and also the business. She asks Ayush if he will support her. Ayush says I will always be with you and tells that if he could get her name then he would have named himself as Ayush Lakshmi Oberoi. Lakshmi says you are talking like Shalu. Ayush asks what is the plan? Lakshmi says God has the plan.

Rishi asks Malishka to say. Malishka says you don’t love Lakshmi, according to the chosen finger. She asks what he would like to hear and says you love Lakshmi according to the chosen finger. She asks if you want to hear this. Rishi says I want to know the truth and tells that he really likes Lakshmi. Malishka says you don’t love her, right. Inspector asks Malishka to come out. Malishka refuses. Rishi says this is PS, they might not let you come again. Malishka asks do you want to meet me. Rishi says yes. Malishka says I will come again and goes. Rishi thinks I held the first finger and says I love you, is it?

Rishi thinking why Lakshmi haven’t come to meet me. He thinks she is upset, that I came to jail. He thinks he is feeling lonely, she would have come to give him some strength. He thinks Lakshmi will come. Lakshmi asks Ayush if the Police will let her meet Rishi. Ayush says yes, but you was angry with him, as he took the blame and went to jail. Lakshmi says he has given me strength and now it is my turn. Ayush says lets go. Shalu comes and says even I will come. Ayush says who are you? Shalu says Rishi is my Jiju. Sonia asks shalu why did she come here? Shalu says there might be a reason, as I have come here. Sonia says this is my house, and I don’t need to learn from you and calls her illiterate. Virender asks Sonia, how is she talking to Shalu. He tells that Lakshmi is his daughter and Shalu is her sister, and tells that he will not bear anyone’s insult from here on. Lakshmi asks him about Neelam. Virender says she is angry. Lakshmi says I made her angry. He says time is a healer and says I am going to meet Rishi. Lakshmi says you will break to see him there, and says when you are with us, we can overcome any problem. She asks her to stay back for Mummy ji and says she also needs you. Virender says I hope Neelam would have understood this. He goes. Shalu teases Ayush. Lakshmi says I will come. Ayush thinks to do some work and thinks if I have some work. Shalu comes to kitchen to drink water. Sonia snatches water bottle from her. Shalu asks what is this? Sonia asks her not to take advantage of her Dad’s goodness. Shalu says you like Malishka. Sonia says yes, she likes her and says you get to do timepass here in the big house and also free food. Shalu says we had even more big house than this, and says we didn’t make our Bauji feel ashamed like you have done.

Karishma comes there and scolds Shalu. Shalu says I haven’t done anything. Karishma says we did a mistake by let you come here? Shalu says you do big mistakes and says you let Di stay in jail. Sonia says atleast Lakshmi is not like her, she don’t argue with us. Shalu says atleast you see her goodness. Ayush asks Shalu what happened, if anyone told something to you. Shalu says Sonia was enough, but your Mom also came there. Ayush asks did you scold my Mom. She says yes. He asks her not to do anything and be quiet. Shalu asks if this is my mistake and tells that she was drinking water when Sonia snatched glass from her hand and scolded her. Then your Mom also scolded me. He says don’t give them a chance to say anything. He says why did you say?

Balwinder tells Guddu that he is a dog and just barks. He says I told Lakshmi that I have proof and can save Rishi, but she is behind him. He says he will kill Rishi. Guddu says don’t break the things in my house. He says you will get 1000 girls. Balwinder says I just need Lakshmi. Guddu asks if you are in love with Lakshmi. Balwinder says yes, I didn’t love my old wives and Neha this much, and says when I close my eyes, I see Lakshmi.

Lakshmi comes back and sees Ayush and Shalu arguing. He asks Lakshmi to give some good values to Shalu. Lakshmi says Rishi might be waiting for her. Ayush says he has surprise for him.

Balwinder says he was a rich girl in this locality, and tells that he don’t regret to lose it and just wants Lakshmi. He says I just want Lakshmi. Guddu says you will get.

Lakshmi comes to the PS and says she wants to meet Rishi Oberoi. Inspector says we can’t allow many visitors in a day and says just now Malishka Singh Bedi had come here. Shalu and Ayush ask him to let them meet Rishi. Shalu says I will be here, let them meet. Inspector gives 10 mins. Ayush asks Lakshmi if she forgot about the surprise. Lakshmi asks if we are right. Ayush says we are doing this for Rishi Bhai’s happiness. Shalu says he is jhalla. Inspector asks Lakshmi to go and meet Rishi. Lakshmi says she will meet Rishi after Ayush meets him. Inspector says just 9 mins are left. Ayush comes inside and meets Rishi. Rishi asks where is Lakshmi? Ayush says she didn’t come, as she has some work. Rishi gets angry and says she has more important work than me. Ayush says I am missing you very much. You don’t want to talk to me and wants to talk about Bhabhi. Shalu asks Lakshmi to sit and says you are going to meet jiju. Lakshmi says I was lonely when I was here and needs a lot of courage to stay here. Shalu says you have come to give him courage. Ayush says its me, your dear brother, friend etc. He says one day in school, we have done it together. Rishi says I don’t want to meet anyone, until I see Lakshmi. Ayush says you met Malishka. Rishi says it is good that Malishka came. Constable comes and asks Rishi to go and meet, as a lady came to meet him. Rishi refuses to meet. He goes there. Lakshmi keeps hand on his eyes. Rishi identifies her and says Malishka you have come. Lakshmi gets sad and says you want to meet Malishka. He says he had sensed her presence. Lakshmi tries to go. He pulls her closer and smiles.

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Unfortunate Love - S02 E96

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Unfortunate Love - S02 E98

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