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Empty promises - S01 E05

Story 8 months ago

Empty promises - S01 E05

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 5

When I say Tony means everything to me I meant every word of it. He finished from Harvard and drives the latest car. He was sound and very loving.

Tony was always showering me with praises and makes my shoulder rise with pride.

Diane, my girlfriend called me one day asking me why I break up with Israel.

“Israel loves you sincerely, he had not been himself ever since you told him that it was over. He try reaching you severally but I guess you have already blocked him because of your new guy. Ava, think about what you are doing… even if you want to leave Israel do it in a matured way, not the way you are going about it. He has never hurt you in anyway, never demand from you rather he was willing to give you all his salary just to make you happy. You treat him like a houseboy, you make him cook for you and do your laundries when you were still in Lagos. But Israel never complains…he does everything without a frown. He is very special and not many men will tolerate such from their woman. Try and talk to him Ava, he is losing mind and has been begging me to plead with you to have a rethink…

Diane went on talking over Israel and how heartbroken he was. But I did not care. I have moved on with the man that I truly love. Tony is in my league and class. I have always wanted to associate with a man in my caliber and Tony falls into it and even more. But Israel is just a common guy with nothing to his name except his HND result and works in a commercial bank. He can’t boast with anything. I have been managing him because of all the benefits of him cooking and doing many other domestic work for me but not again. I even hate his mare touch, my whole body feels cold at his touch and I love the fact he doesn’t ask to get intimate with me, I only do when I want it. But with Tony I feel so warm and even ask for more of his touch.

I don’t understand why Diane is campaigning for Israel. Her life is exactly where she wants it to be with the man of her dream who is very famous but there she was asking me to reconsider a man who is not even my type.

I can only conclude that Diane is enemy of my progress. She does not wish me well at all. For asking me to settle with a man like Israel, I’m going to cut her off if she continue with this.

Many of my friends do not even like the fact I was in a relationship with Israel. They said I was a high class babe, a Lekki big girl and I deserve better.

I knew that I deserved better but Diane will always want to talk me out of it. She will constantly say that Israel is a nice man and I believed her but not again. I’m done with him and I’m going to call it quit with Diane too.

I later said to Diane.

“Since you care so much for Israel why not go ahead and date him. Leave your famous boyfriend and date a broke low class like Israel. Whatever you want to do please do but make sure you leave me out of it. Go ahead with him since you don’t want to see him sad. I’m in a great relationship. My present man is all I have always wanted. Handsome, outspoken, caring, finish from Harvard, rich and drives the latest car. What more can I ask than what I have been given already. It was as if God saw my heart and decided to bless me with a man like Tony. Light and darkness are placed before me and I chose light. Nothing can make me return to darkness. I’m done for good. Please don’t call me again over Israel issue or I will trash you aside just like I did with him. Enjoy your life and let me enjoy mine. Don’t be an enemy of my happiness.

I hang up the phone call. Diane was really pissing me off with her constant talk on Israel but that will be the final time I will tolerate such.

Tony said his bank card was still in the process, he has not been able to collect a new one so he will be needing some money from me until he is able to collect his card.

I did not think twice and gave him what he asked for.

My colleagues at work brought different maids for me but I did not like any of them. I finally settled with one of them that looks a little appealing to me.

Tony came to the house one day and saw the girl, he complained that he doesn’t like her and I should dismiss her immediately.

I try to argue.

“Baby, she is the best among the three that my colleagues brought to me. Her name is Sulia and she understand English even though she can’t speak fluently. Sulia can clean and also cook and that is all I need, if I send her away I don’t know if I will ever be able to get a better maid in this part again.

That was all I said to Tony and he was provoked.

“Avala, I hate when you argue with me. Whenever I say something do it exactly the way I want it done. Women that argues are never submissive they always want to be in authority and do as they pleases. Don’t try that shit with me. I hate it when I say something and you try to do another…

I had no choice than to agree to dismiss Sulia just as Tony wanted. He told me he has a girl that he will like to bring for me.

I asked him to go ahead.

After two days he came with the girl whose name was Halima.

She was learned and can speak good English. Halima was beautiful and has a fine shape. She looks posh to me and far from been a maid.

Halima can cook and also clean but I wasn’t satisfied with those qualities.

I noticed the way Tony looks at her and I was not comfortable with that.

I complained to Tony that Halima looks like she has everything, she can get any kind of job she wants why will she want to be a common maid. Cleaning and cooking for me.

I wanted Tony to dismiss her but we got into an argument and he raised his hand and slapped me.

I was shock as I held my cheek because it was unexpected. I never expected such from Tony. Why will Tony raise his hand on me because of a common maid?

He quickly apologies and promised never to repeat that again. I have to let go and for peace to reign I allowed Halima to stay.

Maybe I was acting too childish and insecure like Tony once said. I loosened up and make sure I did not allow my insecurity to get the best of me.

I accepted whatever Tony said, I give him money anytime he asked. I try not to argue all the time.

I love Tony and I know once he retrieve his bank card he will stop asking me to give him money all the time and I believed him when he said he will never raise a hand on me again.

Oooooooh my Tony……My prince charming….

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Empty Promises - S01 E04

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Empty Promises - S01 E06

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