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The Female Soldier - S01 E02

Story 4 months ago

The Female Soldier - S01 E02

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 2

The Female Soldier, Episode Two

"The so called wedding is coming up next week Saturday right?" The General asked with his husky tone. As usual, he and the female soldier were in the office. The General was writing something on a white piece of paper placed before him on the large table in the office. The female soldier was standing before him respectfully. She had come to request for a leave to enable her to have time to prepare for her wedding.

"Yes sir! I request for one month leave to enable me prepare adequately for my wedding and for my honeymoon. There are a lot of things I have not been able to do and the wedding date is already around the corner. Though there won't be an elaborate ceremony, but I still need a few days off to put things in order sir." The female soldier said respectfully.

"So you insist on getting married to that boy? You want to dare me right? You insist on defying my orders and you are going ahead to get married to that bloody civilian? Alright, I grant you one month leave, but don't blame me if anything goes wrong. I thought you were a wise girl, but I never knew you are foolish." The General said. He was very angry and the anger could be seen in his eyes. He dropped the blue pen he was using to write and picked up a red pen and used it to sign the document. He then the paper carefully and handed it over to the female soldier.

"Here is your permission for the leave. Hand it over to the admin and keep a copy for yourself." The General said as he handed over the paper to the female soldier.

The female soldier collected the paper, saluted respectfully and left the office after taking permission to fall out. The preceeding days would become very busy for the female soldier. She and Acho, her fiancée had decided that they would make their wedding to be as simple as possible. It was not going to be anything elaborate. They wanted to save time and cost. They would simply go to the registry, say their vows in the presence of friends and family, and then come back home.

That afternoon when the female soldier got home, she called her fiancé and informed him that she had successfully taken a leave from work and that she was on her way to his house.

"Alright my love. I'm waiting for you and I can't wait to set my eyes on you again. I miss you and I can't wait for us to be together as husband and wife. Please, hurry up and please branch at the restaurant and buy me pouridge beans and one loaf of bread." Acho said over the phone. He sounded very excited and the excitement in his voice made the female soldier to be very happy. She opened the gate in her compound and stepped out. She flagged a taxi and hoped in.

Just as Acho had pleaded with her, she had carried a food flask with which she used to buy a delicious portion of pouridge beans at the restaurant. She also bought freshly baked bread for him. She came out of the restaurant and hopped into the waiting taxi. Within a few minutes, they arrived at Acho's house. She came down from the taxi happily and walked towards the door.

"Why is the door locked? Where did my fiancée go to? I was just talking with him only a few minutes ago. Why did he not tell me that he was going somewhere? I don't like this kind of disappointment. Let me call his phone number." The female soldier said as she brought out her phone and dialed Acho's number.

The phone rang endlessly but no one picked up. She continued calling the line but no one answered. She had a spare key to Acho's room but she did not carry it along. She left it in one of her purses at home.

"Let me go home and pick the key, then I will come back and open the door to see if he is inside the room with another woman." The female solder said with anger. As she was going home, she continued to call the line but no one was picking and the phone was ringing. Instead of boarding a normal town service bus, she booked an Uber ride and it was not long before she picked the key from her house and returned to her fiancé's apartment.

"If I catch another woman in this room, I will finish her without delay. My fiancée has never refused to pick my call. Why is this happening very close to our wedding day? Our wedding is coming up in one week and now this?" The female solder said. She quickly removed the key from her purse and opened Achu's door with speed, but he was not in the room.

"But why is the room so scattered? This place looks like there have been a fight. Was he fighting with anyone? Did anything happen to him? Why did he just disappear after a few minutes of talking to me on the phone? My God, what is going on? God please let nothing happen to my Acho. Please protect him for me." The female soldier said as tears started rolling down her tender cheeks. She might be a military woman, but she is very emotional when it comes to love. She is so deeply in love with Achu that she wouldn't be able to endure it should anything bad happen to him.

The female soldier picked up her phone again and dialed the number, but still, no one picked.

"What happened to my fiancée for God's sake?" The female soldier asked. As she was pacing around the room, she saw drops of blood on one of the pillows. There was also a blood stain on the door handle and there was a piece of broken beer bottle just close to the wardrobe. The broken bottle had blood stains on it.

"Now, I'm really scared." The female soldier said. She picked up her phone, her purse and the food she had bought for Acho and ran out of the room. Immediately after she got to the roadside, she flagged a taxi. When she got to her house, she lay on the bed and wept. As she was weeping, her phone rang and she picked up quickly thinking it was her fiancée..

"We have your fiancée. We took him." The caller said with a husky voice.

Watch out for episode 3

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The Female Soldier - S01 E01

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The Female Soldier - S01 E03

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