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Clementina - S01 E07

Story 4 months ago

Clementina - S01 E07

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 7

"Just doing some more late night plumbing inspections, I sneered as I slammed my bedroom door behind me.

I didn't even bother pulling my pajama bottoms on, I just crawled into bed naked, turned out the light, and waited for my mother to come storming in after me, demanding what was going on. And I was ready to give her the unadulterated truth. It was one thing for her to play the little sexy show-off games she liked to play with people (like my friends). That was harmless, silly, and flirty. Blackmail was a different story.

But on the other hand, that was me speaking as a guy. Overwhelmingly, sexual blackmail was usually a man taking advantage of a woman. Guys were supposed to be immune to that sort of thing, right? It shouldn't bother me, right? Especially when you consider that Clementina was extremely desirable.

Part of me that wanted to go back into Clementina's room and rage fuck her in whatever hole I wanted. But I guess wasn't much of a real man, because there was also a part of me who wanted to die.

I ended up curled up in a fetal position under the covers, going back and forth between rage and sorrow.

Somehow managed to fall asleep. In my frustration I forgot to set the alarm. So when my mother ambled out of bed at around 7:30 the next morning, was still asleep..

I pulled on shorts and a T-shirt and made my way downstairs, looking to fill a travel mug with coffee and bolt for Home Depot, but my mother stopped me in the kitchen. Clementina was still asleep.

"So, are you going to tell me what happened last night?" my mother asked.

I was already irritated, so I played stupid, "I went over to her house, I was looking at her pipes and one broke when was inspecting the damage. It's like said."

"No," she said. "I mean after went to bed."

"Sure, as soon as you answer my question "What question was that?"

"Did you talk to Clementina between the call when she asked you to send me over, and the call when she asked to spend the night?"

I already told you no, I didn't," she said. I could tell she was annoyed a little, but it seemed like her questioning came more from a curiosity side than an anger side.

"Truthfully?" I said.

"Why would I lie? And really don't care if you want to sleep with Clementina, that's your business. But please don't piss her off, okay?"

"My business? Or your business?"

"What's that supposed to mean?" she said, her eyes narrowing.

"Do you want me to sleep with her, to keep her happy?"

"What? Sleep with her to keep her happy? Wait, is she forcing you to sleep with her?"

I looked at the floor. My mom came forward and hugged me. I didn't cry, but felt a lot of emotions.

Tell me," she said. So did. I skipped the part about feeling like something was squirming inside of Clementina and the part about the breast milk, but didn't hold back about how felt looking at my mom while Clementina sucked my cock. My mom and had always been pretty frank, so once I started talking it all came out.

"So that's the whole story," I said, when I had finished. "And if the difference between keeping the house and losing it is me fucking her occasionally, I guess I am okay with it. I mean, was masturbating over her last night before it got out of hand. I just want you to know she's doing it. Doing it in secret makes me feel like shit."

Thanks, Russel," she said, and hugged me. "We'll get through this. I'm not sure how, but we will."

She gave me another hug, a very long one. She and I had always shared hugs, but there was something different about it. She held me longer. She held me closer. She pressed herself against me.

When we separated our eyes met. She bit her lip as if she wanted to say something. It was my turn to prompt.

"Out with it," I said.

"I never thought you felt that way about me," she replied. "I never knew you noticed me being attractive. You always kept me at arm's length."

"You were my mother. I never even allowed myself to think of you sexually."

She nodded.

"I have done the same as I watched you grow into a nice-looking young man. Has that changed?" she asked.

"I don't know. So much is going on right now it's hard to sort things out, but maybe. Do you want it to change?"

"This is happening fast." she said.

"You didn't answer my question."

She looked at me hard. "Maybe," she said and leaned forward to gave me another hug. When she stepped back found myself looking over her again, in a new way. Her toned body, her breasts under the cut off T-shirt, the yoga shorts clinging to her hips. I felt a stirring. When I looked up I found that her eyes were focused on the unexpected bulge in my shorts.

Our eyes met, we both blushed.

"Maybe," my mother said again, then smiled, and added "You should go now.

I smiled back and our eyes held each other's for just a second longer. Then I grabbed some joe and bolted to the hardware store before Clementina got up and discovered I hadn't gotten started yet.

The cellar floor had mostly dried from the previous night's disaster. I surveyed the wreckage. It could have been a lot worse. I drained the system and cut out the damaged copper. As I worked, had time to think, and as I did so I felt better about the situation. Look on the bright side, for the foreseeable future had a regular fuck on the bright side, for the foreseeable future I had a regular fuck with a hot fortysomething brunette carrying a killer mom bod. Howe bad could it really be?

I also felt better about having come clean about my thoughts and feelings when Clementina was giving me a blow job next to my mom's sleeping body. I didn't know what was going to come of that but at least it was out in the open.

I was intensely curious what that "maybe" from my mother might lead to. My curiosity was piqued even more when I got a text from her about an hour into the plumbing work. It was a picture of her smiling, still wearing the cut off T-shirt she had slept in, but it was pulled up to bare a breast with her

hand was covering her nipple. The text was just one word.


The bulge in my shorts returned. I held the camera up and took a shot from above, capturing my smiling face and the tent in my shorts.

"Possibly," I texted back with the photo.

I got a smiley face and a heart in return.

After prepping the plumbing for the patch, I wanted to let the pipes dry a little, so I wandered back upstairs to the main floor of the house. A few peeks out the windows showed that there was nobody around. It was the perfect time for a little bit of snooping. I figured if Clementina was going to blackmail me for sex, was going to see if I couldn't come up with some dirt on her. A tit for a tat. I might still fuck her just for fun, but having something in my back pocket would make me feel a lot better.

The kitchen was uninteresting, as was the sitting room. The bathroom looked as it had when had last seen it peeking through the hole in the wall the previous night. Clementina had pretty much left everything as it was when she and I went to my house. The medicine cabinet was uninteresting, not even an interesting pre***********ion. I peered in the tub, expecting to see a sex toy, but was disappointed. I wondered where she had stashed it, then remembered feeling something squirm inside her. Guess that answered that question.

There was one unusual thing about the tub, however. In her haste to head out with me, Clementina hadn't washed the suds down, and now the dried bath oil residue still clung to the porcelain. But in the bottom of the tub there was a coating of some kind of a clear gelatinous substance. I ran my finger through it then lifted it to my nose. It didn't have the sort of perfumed fragrance bath oil would have, it was a much more earthy smell with licorice undertones.

It was unusual, but it wasn't anything that could be used for blackmail. Maybe it was some kind of lube. I shrugged, wiped my finger on my pants and headed upstairs.

My next target was her office. It was in one of the old bedrooms, and was pretty sparse, just a desk and a table with a laptop hooked up to a monitor. I started up the laptop, but couldn't figure out her password readily, so I quit after a couple of tries. I opened the desk drawers, finding mostly old bills, deeds, useless junk. I found a couple of old photo albums full of pictures of people I didn't know but nothing incriminating.

I walked across the hall to her bedroom, which was also pretty simple, just a chest, a bureau, a small closet, and a queen size bed She had some sexy lingerie. I thought about rubbing out a load into her underwear draw but decided not to, since it would probably only encourage her. The nightstand held a couple of erotic novels and two different models of vibrator (among other things), but nothing too outlandish or so I thought. Hidden underneath everything else, however, was a large key.

The key was ornate and looked like it had to be at least a hundred years old. It was about nine or ten inches long and had scroll work carved into the shaft. It was a simple enough shape, one could duplicate back home in my basement workshop if had a need to do so.

I took it to the office and took some photos of it next to a ruler so I had the right measurements. I wasn't sure why, and doubted I would really have a need for it. But if I ever happened to find the lock it fit, it might provide me some of that blackmail material I had been hoping for.

When I was done, I returned it to her drawer as another text came In from my mother. It was a picture of her standing in the bathroom. Her top was off, her breasts free, the nipples hard, pointed, looking so tasty.

"Definitely maybe..."

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Clementina - S01 E06

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Clementina - S01 E08

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