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The Freak - S01 E14

Story 3 months ago

The Freak - S01 E14

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 14

"That's when I'm taking you to see "Irma la Douce" and to dinner. I have basketball practice at 9:00, but you can come if you wish."

"Are you going to...you know?"

I laughed. "No, that only happens before a game, thank God!" Everyone laughed then, even Barbara.

Then she asked, "What's going to happen this afternoon?"

"We're going to visit my mother's parents and her family."

"Don't worry about learning everyone's name," Angela interrupted. "I can't tell who half of them are either." 7

"You'll recognize my grandparents," I continued. That'll be easy. Also, you'll meet my Aunt Debbie and Uncle Dave. She's my mother's closest sister and a very good friend. She's also my godmother so you'll no doubt see her again. Then there are her sons-David, who's my age, Kenny, who's Angela's age; and Brian, who's roughly Marie's age. You'll also meet our cousin Richard and his parents. David, Kenny, Richard, and I usually go bowling as soon as we can get out of there which is right after we eat. For some reason Nanny Harris always makes a big turkey for everyone even though she's almost ninety. Mom is the youngest of eight children...good Irish Catholics." Barbara laughed and we all joined her.

Barbara and I spent more than an hour playing Chutes and Ladders with Carole. I realized then that she had missed out on all of the family interaction that had always taken for granted. I was tired long before Barbara was and thought that might be the reason why Carole liked her so much. Then I had a flash and realized that was wrong. There was something that Barbara had that made Carole love her. Of course, her love for Barbara wasn't of the romantic kind that I held for her. Watching her now interacting with Carole and Marie I understood completely even though I'm a guy and we're all a little dense about stuff like this.

We showered and dressed-casual clothes-and left for my grandparents' apartment at 3:00, my bowling balls in my trunk, Barbara next to me and my littlest sister in the back with her head securely between mine and Barbara's. They lived on a main street in a not so great section of New Rochelle, in fact, they actually

lived ON Main Street. I found a parking spot just down the block

and we all clambered out of the car, my arms full of presents for

our grandparents and for my Aunt and Uncle, the ones actually knew.

After living with foster parents I was sure that Barbara was overwhelmed by the sea of people in the apartment. We had waited for our parents because it was just easier that way, mostly because I didn't know everyone's name and probably never would. Dad handled the gifts and Mom the introductions while I took the coats to the bedroom where I dropped them onto the bed.

My grandparents had what I had learned was a "railroad car" apartment. It was long and relatively narrow with the living room, parlor, bedroom, dining room, and kitchen in a straight line. There was but a single bathroom adjacent to the kitchen and, because the apartment occupied the entire side of the building there were plenty of windows for ventilation in the warm weather. I returned as quickly as possible to Barbara's side and I would have taken her hand had two of my sisters not held them already. I shooed them away with a laugh and led Barbara to the dining room where I found my cousins. That was hardly a surprise. As much as I loved to eat there was no way I could keep up with David. All of my cousins attended Catholic high schools-David at lona Prep, Kenny and Brian at Salesian-both in New Rochelle-and Richard somewhere else in the Bronx. We weren't as close as the others, but we got along and I guessed that was enough. I introduced Barbara, noticing David's obvious and lecherous interest. He was about to make a comment and had he done so it would have ruined his Christmas, for sure. He noticed the steely look in my eyes and returned to his turkey breast sandwich.

I helped Barbara to a plate with some white meat, stuffing, and mashed potatoes with gravy then assisted her to a seat. There were plenty around the large room. I grabbed the last drumstick and some stuffing. That would be more than enough. We ate and drank apple cider as Barbara got acquainted with my cousins. Half an hour later we all walked out the door having hugged my parents, grandparents, and my aunt and uncle-David's and Kenny's parents. They jumped into David's beater, a 1950 Dodge coupe while we took my Olds, driving all the way to the lanes in Eastchester, just up the road from Albanese's restaurant, the site of our first real date.

I knew we would have a wait for an open lane so we used the time to find shoes and a ball for Barbara and Kenny and Richard. David had his own. We had spent quite a few Saturday nights bowling together last year once we were old enough to drive, but not yet all that interested in dating.

There were five of us on but a single lane so three games took almost three hours. I had always enjoyed bowling with my cousins and today was no different except that most of my attention went to Barbara rather than beating David into oblivion. He was an excellent athlete and would have been better than me had I not been struck by lightning. He averaged almost 190, but had two games over 225 and one of 197. Barbara broke 125 all three times, Just edging out Richard who was clearly no athlete.

We left just after eight that night, turning down David's invitation to stay for a pizza in the bowling alley snack bar. Barbara and I had something else in mind. I was sure that my cousins knew what was afoot, but wisely had kept their mouths closed. I was bigger and stronger than the three of them combined and they all knew that I'd never accept any kind of insult to her. It was fifteen minutes later that we found our usual spot at the end of the apartments. I had the engine off, but the radio on, and was glad that the holiday music had come to an end. I had always found it fun at first, but was more than tired of it long before Christmas had arrived.

Barbara was in my embrace as soon as the engine was off, not

that she had far to go. She was almost in my lap all the way to

what had become our favorite make-out spot. We kissed

passionately for maybe five minutes before Barbara's hands found

my belt, opening my zipper and pants in less than a minute. I

raised my hips so she could lower both pants and briefs easily. My

butt's first contact with the bare leather seat was shocking-that

was for sure, but Barbara's warm hands on my cock and balls

heated me up in a hurry.

I broke my embrace to remove her jacket then her blouse and bra. She helped with her slacks and panties and less than two minutes later we were totally naked writhing around in my front seat. I knew we weren't going to have sex-not penetrative genital sex, but we would both cum sometime in the near future, hopefully more than once for her. The sensation of her velvet skin against mine was almost more than I could handle.

I lay on the seat under Barbara's beautiful and sexy body with her perfect breasts, flat tummy and graceful hips all within my reach. My cock was hard and oozing pre-cum trapped between our bodies. We kissed again, dry humping each other until Barbara sat up, reaching for the glove box and my dwindling supply of condoms. I joined her sitting just as she rolled the latex shield down my shaft. "It's really amazing the things I've learned since I

began dating you," she joked. Then she kissed me quickly and

began her stroking.

Her delicate hands with their long fingers were surprisingly strong as they wrapped around me. Tighter and tighter she gripped me as her hands moved with blurring speed. I came suddenly with a powerful thrust of my hips. Five more times semen exploded into the condom's tip until it was filled to overflowing. I fell back onto the seat exhausted from my sweet ordeal, watching as Barbara expertly slipped the used condom from my wilting organ. A few seconds later she threw the gooey mess out the window and then surprised the hell out of me by extending her tongue to my cock's tip. "Hmmm. Some of the girls at school have talked about the taste. It's not as bad as I thought...a little salty, but not bad."

"I'm glad you approve. I love the way you taste, by the way, and I plan a lengthy sample in a few minutes-my final Christmas present to you." Barbara said nothing, but then she didn't have to. Her smile said it all. I waited about five minutes before lifting her and laying her back onto the seat with her long shapely legs on either side of my head.

I began by gently kissing each of her silken thighs from her knees to her labia. Up and down I went, teasing her mercilessly until she was shaking in rabid anticipation. Long strokes with the broad of my tongue enflamed her labia until I gently penetrated her. I was using my tongue as I would a vacuum to slurp up as much of her nectar as possible. It was a losing battle in that regard, though. She was producing faster than any machine, let alone a human tongue, could possibly remove. She was shaking wildly and moaning almost non-stop by the time my mouth moved up to its ultimate target, her hot swollen bud.

Sucking it between my teeth brought her to her first explosive orgasm as she screamed into the night. She came again after only two minutes' gnawing, leaving her a panting groaning mess. I held her closely, but tenderly, warming her with my body at first then pulling her clothes from the back seat and helping her to dress even though did most of the work. I threw my clothes on quickly then relaxed, listening to the radio and talking quietly with and loving Barbara.

I drove her home an hour later. My arms were full of her presents when she reached up for our final kiss of the day. "Thank you, Jack, for the best Christmas I've ever had. I never realized how much missed having a family like yours. Good night, Jack. I'll see you tomorrow." I kissed her again then stood back while she

opened the door. I carried her gifts in and placed them carefully under the tree. After a quick kiss, was gone. It had been a long, but wonderful day for me, too.

By agreement Barbara and I skipped Mass Sunday morning. I always thought that once a weekend was enough and, apparently, she agreed. Besides, Christmas had been an exhausting day. I did pick her up around 5:30 for dinner before a movie. Mr. and Mrs. Gleason thanked me again for their new TV telling me that they especially enjoyed watching it in bed.

They asked about my family's Christmas so I answered whatever questions they had. Barbara had told them a lot, but there was always room for more. They were especially interested in hearing about my sisters. I was just telling them about Carole when Barbara walked out of her room to kiss my cheek. We left a minute later. I drove her to a restaurant that my parents liked. It was nothing special, but the food was decent and the setting was fairly elegant.

We sat at a banquette which we both enjoyed quite a bit more than either a table or a booth because we had plenty of room and our hands could roam with almost total privacy. I only knew that she had me hard before the salads had been delivered and she kept me that way until I paid the check with my credit card. I'd gotten the card at the suggestion of my financial manager-the person who saw to it that my bills were paid on time and that I had enough cash for my normal expenses. For that I had purchased a New York Tax-Free Bond Mutual Fund that brought me just over two percent on about $150,000-more winnings from the track over the past two years. Now that was eighteen I'd be going even more often and I'd take Barbara with me.

The vacation was almost magical. I picked Barbara up at her apartment by 8:30 every morning, arriving at school just in time to tape and dress for practice. I was done and showered and we were out the door by 11:40. Then it was a quick lunch, usually at a nearby dell or Italian restaurant, before driving to the Mount Vernon Public Library just two blocks from my dad's shop. We both had long research papers that were due about a week after the break had ended. The one exception was Tuesday when Barbara and carried her dress and shoes to my car in the morning and we showered and dressed at my home in preparation for our train ride into Manhattan for dinner and the play.

We went to a Chinese restaurant only a few blocks off Broadway. Because we were early we enjoyed a leisurely stroll after dinner to the theater. "That was the best Chinese food I've ever had, Jack. Mostly, all I've ever had was chicken chow mein. I really liked that yellow rice with the pork in it."

Barbara's hand was looped in my arm as we walked. Manhattan is pretty safe, but that didn't stop me from keeping an eye out for trouble which, fortunately, stayed away. We walked up to the Will Call window more than thirty minutes before curtain. I checked our coats and led Barbara to the bar. New York at the time was the only state I knew of where the minimum age for drinking was eighteen and not twenty-one. "Why don't we celebrate with a glass of champagne?"

Barbara shot me a wry smile as she asked, "Oh...and what might we be celebrating?"

"How about my lucky day at Mass?" We both knew when that was -the day that we'd met and I'd saved her life. We both had our ID's out as we approached the bar. They were checked carefully, even to the point of asking our addresses and dates of birth. We walked away, flute in hand, once I had paid.

"To lucky days...for both of us," Barbara said as we touched glasses and took our first sip. I rarely drank alcohol-booze and sports didn't mix well-and Barbara had never asked so Coke or Pepsi had been our norm until this moment. I wasn't overly fond of champagne, but it fit the bill this evening. Looking over the rim of the flute I took note once again of Barbara's beauty. Her hair shone like moonlight on the waves of Long Island Sound near my parent's bungalow. The iridescence of the opals and sparkle of the diamonds on her necklace and earrings was matched only by the twinkle of her eyes.

Apparently, I wasn't the only person to think so because an older woman stopped by to comment, "Your jewelry is really striking, my dear."

"Thank you, ma'am, they were a Christmas present from my boyfriend."

"Well, he must really love you to buy such a beautiful gift." She smiled as I nodded in reply. We finished our drinks and walked into the theater to find our seats. Two years later we went to see the movie and we laughed just as hard as we did that evening. There were times when we both had tears in our eyes. That was just how

hard we were laughing.

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