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Boyfriend - S01 E12

Story 3 months ago

Boyfriend - S01 E12

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 12

(Who am I)

Daisy sat beside Dan who was lying unconscious on the be-d

She held his hand and sighed as she recalled how he had fainted after seeing Jackson

“Who was that strange guy he saw before coll@psing?” She thought to herself and looked at Dan. “Could he be…… One of his friends ?”

The door opened and drex entered with a tray of food and drugs

“I can see you are with your b©yfri£nd” drex said as he dropped the tray on a table

“He must be having a ha-rd time trying to regain his memory” drex said and sighed “poor Dan”

“What do you mean?” Daisy asked and he looked at her
“He was trying to regain his memory, that’s why he coll@psed, didn’t you know?”

“No” Daisy replied

“Well…It means Dan is going to be leaving us soon, but shouldn’t you tell him the truth? He would really be heartbroken if he knows you’ve been lying to him” Drex said and Daisy glared at him

“This is all your mom’s fault, she turned him into my b©yfri£nd, its not like I wanted to be his girlfriend too” Daisy whispers yelled

“Whatever” Drex said and walked out

Daisy looked at Dan for a very long time

Many things ran throu-gh her head as she placed her hand on his cheek

“Dan…..you have to wake up cos I have a lot to say to you, so, open your eyes so we could talk” she said, staring at his handsome face


Jackson walked to his room with secretary Fred behind him and ban-ged the door as wave of anger ran throu-gh him

“My eyes must be kidding me, why is he alive? Why is that j£rk alive!!!” He yelled angrily and ban-ged his hand on the wall as his hand started to bleed

“Sir, are you okay?” Fred asked and wanted to move closer but Jackson made a sign to stay away from him

“I’m okay” he said as he wiped the blood with his handkerchief
“Don’t let Mario know about this, and keep an eye on that j£rk” he said and Fred bowed

“Okay sir”

A maid entered with her head bowed

“Sir, Your aunt request for you (Mrs Dalton, Dan’s mom)” the maid said and walked out

Jackson sm-irked as he took of his jacket

“Why does she nee-d me?, don’t tell anyone about Dan yet” he said to secretary Fred and walked to Mrs Dalton’s room

She met her sitting on the couch with a albu-m of pictures

“You called for me” he said and sat down

“Yeah” Mrs Dalton said and brou-ght a picture from the albu-m and handed it to him

It was a picture he took with Dan without his mask

“I was just taking a look at the pictures when I saw this picture of you guys, luckily Dan had no mask on when taking this picture” she smiled

“Wow, its pretty, I never knew we had such a picture” Jackson said and faked a smile


He walked back to his room , squee-ze the picture and threw it in the bin

“Sir, I un-derstand you hate young master but you should at least keep this picture” secretary Fred said

“Stay out of this Fred, you know why I hate Dan don’t you?”


Daisy took her jacket and walked out of the house

She stood ,staring at the sky when she heard footsteps

She turned and saw Dylan

“Dylan?” She called and Dylan smiled

“What are you doing here by this time” she asked

“I heard Dan coll@psed, so I c@m£ to check on him” he replied

“That’s obviously a lie, you are not even close to check on each other” Daisy said
“So? How is he doing?” He asked

“He won’t open his eyes, I’m so worried” Daisy said and sighed

“Why?”Dylan asked and she arched her brow

” what do you mean? ” she asked

” why are you worried about him?” Dylan asked

“Well……I don’t un-derstand why you are asking me that” Daisy shrugged

“You are right, I’m not here because of Dan, I c@m£ because of you, because there’s something I must tell you” he said and moved closer to her

“And what’s that?” Daisy asked and moved back

“I like you” he said

This made Daisy dumbfounded for a while

Hearing that made her felt like she have heard it somewhere before

“I said I like you” Dylan repeated

“I’m sorry, but I don’t like you, No, I don’t want to like you” she said and turned to go back in but Dylan gr@bb£d her wrist

“Why? Why don’t you want to like me” he asked

“Because you are a friend, and I don’t want such a rare friend like you to end up becoming a Lover I will end up breaking his heart” she said and re-leased her wrist from his hand

“I’m sorry” she said and turned to go inside again when Dylan st©pped

“Is it because of Dan?” He asked but Daisy didn’t say anything

“Is it really because of him? He is not even your b©yfri£nd, he is only with you because of his memory loss, once he regains his memory, he will go back to where he comes from” Dylan half yelled

“You are screaming” Daisy said

“Why? Why are you keeping it a secret from him? Just tell him you do not know who he is!!” Dylan said, raising his voice Even more louder

Daisy opened the door to go back inside when she met Dan at the door

“Dan?” Her eyes wi-de-ned

Dan looked shocked and confused at the same time

“Is it true?” He asked in a weak voice

“Am I really not your b©yfri£nd??”

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Boyfriend - S01 E11

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Boyfriend - S01 E13

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