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Dangerous Combo - S01 E58

Story 3 months ago

Dangerous Combo - S01 E58

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 58

they got to Damon’s place and the first thing he did was to went into the kitchen and gulped down a glass of water.

he went back to the sitting room and sat down staring at Daisy.

“why didn’t tell me about him ?” he asked .


“I know he’s the guy you were talking about, but why didn’t you tell me his name and how you’ve met him before ?” Damon asked .

“I didn’t want to bother you with my problem” she muttered

he sigh not knowing what to say to her .

“how did you two knew each other?” Daisy asked and he kept quiet for a while.

” it’s okay if you don’t wanna tell me ” she muttered

“my dad and his were business partners and that also make my mom became friends with his, because we leave not far from each other back then.

that’s also make him and I friends and it’s lead to being best of friends.

I must be honest I knew nothing about the you , because he have never told me about any girl he was dating.

best friends and soon we were mislead into drugs at age 21″ .

” drugs?” Daisy asked surprisedly.

“yeah we started taking drugs and that’s made my mom so worried when she finds out.

my dad got angry and concluded that Austin lead me into stuffs like that and that ruin the friendship between our families.

I still continue being friends with him without my parents permission, cause I was getting kinda addicted to it.

“are you still taking it ?” Daisy asked .

“sometimes” he replied and chuckled

“we went to a club when we were 22 Austin and a gang leader had an argument and they got into a fight that cost his life.

Austin stabbed him while they were fighting and he died .

Daisy covered her mouth in shook .

“we were both arrested and I was released first when the police found out I wasn’t involved in it .

my dad got angry and sent me abroad to study and yeah that’s the reason why I studied business.

“what about him ?” Daisy asked .

“he was released after a while, his dad clear everything that will make him stay there for so long and was able to make it seems like he was just trying to defend himself” he replied.

“he felt I betrayed him and that’s the reason why he hated me ”

Daisy just sat there staring at him dumbfoundedly .

Damon pulled her closer he saw the look on her face and made her rest her head on his chest while stroking her hair.

“I’m not gonna hurt or Allow him to play” he said and she nodded.

“I love you and nothing will change that okay” he said and kissed her hair.

they both stayed like that for sometime and Daisy fell asleep.

he took her to his room and covered her properly with the duvet before leaving the room .



the students kept on screaming happily as soon as the teacher announced the school prom date .

👥I told you they are gonna announced it today.

👥I can’t wait

👥who wants to be my prom date?

👥I’m so happy.

“I’m gonna sing that day ” Lena said to Leo and Rudy.

“yes you should, your voice is so good” Rudy said .

“it’s not your voice sounds like that of a chicken” Leo said and she hit him .

“ouch that hurt ” he groaned and touched the spot where he hit him .

“I want you to sing with me ” Lena said .

“I don’t want to ” Leo replied.

“please . I will be to shy to do that all by myself” Lena said and pouted.

” I can’t sing ” he said .

“me neither” Rudy quickly said and Leo laughed.

Cherry was throwing a deadly daggers at Lena with her eyes .

“you should ask Alice , she told she’ve always love singing” Rudy said .

“such a boring boyfriend” Lena said and went to Alice seat .

“hey Alice , would like to sing with me for the prom?” Lena asked with a smile .

“she don’t want to ” Cherry said shutting Alice up .

“Alice will you ?” Lena asked ignoring Cherry.

“you heard me , she don’t want to or are you suddenly dumb ?” Cherry said angrily

“I don’t want to Lena ” Alice spoke up and Lena smiled at her before leaving.

“Leo is not in class I think this is your chance ” Alice whispered.

“yeah , I will be back ” Cherry replied and winked at her before leaving the class .

she saw Leo entering the library and quickly hid herself.

soon he came out with a book in his hand and headed to the rooftop.she followed him slowly.

“can you just stop following me ” Leo said without turning around.

when he turned around no one was there and he went to the rooftop.

Cherry got there and saw him sitting down .

Leo ignored her. sh sat beside him and still he ignored her .

“why are you ignoring me ?” cherry asked and still got ignored.

she kissed his cheek and he looked at her angrily.

“don’t do that again” he said .

“at least I got your attention” she replied with a smile .

“what do you want ?” Leo asked .

“can you please come to my sister’s birthday party tommorow?” Cherry asked .

“no ” he replied and concentrated on the book in his hand even though he wasn’t reading it.

“she’s an introvert and doesn’t have friends, the Party is gonna be boring without people, do please come ” she said .

“I said I don’t want …..

“I will invite Lena and Rudy too and other students” she said .

“please ! please !” she plead . after a while he nodded and she jumped up happily.

“thank you, see you ” she said and left .

she met Clark on her way and winked at him .

“done , you should invite her too and Alice will talk to Rudy about it ” Cherry whispered.

“okay , thanks” Clark said and smirked .

they walked into the class with a smile on their face .

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Dangerous Combo - S01 E57

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