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Dangerous Combo - S01 E63

Story 3 months ago

Dangerous Combo - S01 E63

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 63


As soon as Damon got to his house he took his laptop and and quickly inserted the hearing device in his ear and gave Daisy one .

he turned it on and started hearing noise, while trying to track them down .

“get her in , hurry ” he heard but the voice wasn’t audible enough for them to know who it was .

“I got it ” he said .

“let’s inform the police” she said .

“I don’t want to , I can handle it myself” he replied

“are you sure ?” she asked worriedly

“I will be fine okay ” he said and went to his room .

soon he came back and kissed her head before leaving.


“I want my momma” Ariel yelled when the removed the tape from her mouth.

“listen little girl , your momma is never gonna find you again” bella said .

“you better let me go or I’m gonna keep screaming for people to hear ” she said .

“no one is gonna hear you scream ,coz this room is soundproof” she said .

“I want my mommy” Ariel said and started tearing up .

“I want my mommy and my daddy” she cried out .

“I don’t but kids ,so shut up so I won’t beat you ” she said and left the room .

“I want a cup of milk ” Ariel said and the boys all burst out laughing.

“you want what ?” Isabella asked getting irritated by her attitude.

“I don’t wanna cry anymore, I just want a cup of milk ” Ariel said .

“aren’t you scared?” one of the boys asked .

“why should I be scared when I know my daddy is gonna be here soon” she replied

“I didn’t get to drink my milk this morning at home so I want it here now ” she said .

“if he don’t come here on time I might end up k*lling this kid ” bella muttered and left the room angrily.

“should I get it for her ?” another guy asked .

“no!!!” she yelled .

“where are y’all going?” Ariel asked when they were about leaving.

“we are leaving” they replied.

“then what about me , y’all want to leave me here all alone?” she asked .

“what kind of a child is this ” one of them groaned and sat down angrily.

“thank you ” Ariel smiled.

“are you sure she’s not a daughter of a psychopath ” one said and they laughed.


as soon as Damon left Daisy received a phone call from Austin.

📞”where is she !!!” she yelled as soon as she answered the phone

📞”calm down I promise I don’t know her where about , but o can help you look for her .

📞”Austin she’s not yours , just bring her back to me please ” she cried.

📞”why will you think I will suddenly abduct your child when I’ve been seeing her all this while. why suddenly now ?” he asked .

📞”I don’t Know, just please release her please ” she said

📞”come over to the address sent to you , I will be waiting for you there .” he said .

📞”I’m gonna in inform the police, you bastard” she said angrily.

“do that and never see her again, check out the picture I sent ” he said and ended the call .

Daisy checked it and it’s was a picture of Ariel held by a mask guy ready to throw her down From the rooftop.

“call the police and before they get her , I will be out of this place, but you will loose your baby” she read .

“she went to Damon’s room and put on one of his jogger pants and a black shirt, packed her hair and came out .

she took a taxi and headed to the sent address.

“she got to there and paid for the taxi before getting down .

she stare at the building in front of her and went in .

it was an uncompleted building and walked in slowly.

“I will do anything to protect you Ariel” she muttered with courage and took the stairs.

“here you are ” she heard Austin’s voice and looked at him

“where is she ?” she asked .

“calm down , don’t be in a hurry” he said with his usual smile.

he walked closer to her while she moved back until her back touched the wall .

“don’t be fierce okay ” he said and touched her cheeks.

“get your hands off me ” she said and pushed him away .

“you better calm down if you want to leave this place alive ” he said and kissed her forcefully.

Daisy bit his lips and he moved away angrily.

” leave Damon and come back to me and we will take care of the child together” he said .

“I will never ever do that ” she said .

“okay then ” he replied and some boys came out and started tying her up.

“let me go ” she struggled

they covered her mouth.

take the other side ” Austin said and they took her to the car through another route

they took her to a very far place , far from the city and took her into one room .

“let’s call your sweetheart” Austin said and smirked.

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Dangerous Combo - S01 E62

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Dangerous Combo - S01 E64

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