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Forced - S01 E21

Story 2 months ago

Forced - S01 E21

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 21

Alicia’s pov 🍃

Oh no, no ..

Mr Trevor is planning to kill my brother, no….

I quic-kly ran off so they wouldn’t no I listened..

I boarded a cab to my h0tel room ..

I warned Fernando, now he’s in grave trouble, I warned him to just leave that stupid Mr Trevor alone..

Gosh what am I gonna do now, there’s danger knocking really ha-rd , I can’t loose my parents and then loose my brother…

I have to do something, I have to warn Fernando before they kill him

I took my phone to call him, but it was going to voicemail..
So I quic-kly boarded a cab, back to where Fernando now lives in..
I stepped into the house, I saw Fernando pacing up and down
“Where the hell were you Alicia?” He asked as soon as I stepped in

“That’s not what we should talk about now” I said p@n-ting
” Are you crazy, am doing to keep you safe from Mr Trevor” he yelled

“Well how are you going to do that when the same Mr Trevor you’re trying to keep me safe from is the same man trying to kill you” I yelled even louder
” What!! ” He exclaimed lowly
” As soon as I escaped from here, I quic-kly rushed to Mr Trevor office cause I s-en-sed something was wrong, I got there when he was having a conversation with Sydney, I decided to eavesdrop drop when I heard of his plans, he now knows you know about his transaction and that you work for the NBI” I explained in a low voice

” Oh no” he exclaimed hitting his forehead

” Fernando you have to report to the police if not he might kill you” I said but he didn’t answer me, he was thinking

” Talk to me Fernando” I yelled
“No Alicia I won’t report to the police, I know what to do, just stay here and Don’t go anywhere, I don’t want you to also be in danger” he said walking out

” Fernando come back here, you’re putting yourself in danger, Fernando” I shouted but he was far gone….

Oh nooo

God!! Protect him for him, I don’t want to loose my only family I have left
Tristan’s pov 👤

I walked into Dad office really angry.

What Tiana told me about what’s going on in her dad’s company get on my nerves real bad cause am certain dad is definitely the culprit behind it…

I walked into Dad surprised at what I saw.

I saw Dad with a stick of cigarette in his mouth..

I never knew my own dad smokes, there are lot of things dad really has to explain to me…

“Dad” I called and he looked at me with a expression I can’t explain, maybe it’s because I caught him smoking

“Son I…I.

” You never told me you smoke s£nd I’ve never seen you do that” I said disgusted
” No son am not…..

“You can’t lie to me Dad am not a kid, you thought me never to take any kind of drugs into my system including this Dad am really surprised and disappointed seeing you smoking” I said not even knowing if I should be angry or not

” Son am sorry am just depressed” he said
“Depressed???” I asked rhetorically

“Dad a stick of cigarette can’t solve your problem, tell me, what’s wrong with you Dad? Am your son, there’s nothing you nee-d to hide from me” I said

” Nothing I can’t handle” he replied

” Dad why don’t you just tell me, what’s going on?, What are you into?” I asked angrily and I could see the fear in his eyes.
“What do you mean?” He asked
“Don’t pretend Dad, I know you’re the one behind the hacking going on in the Davidson’s companies” I said and he gave a sigh of relief. He’s definitely hiding something, something de-ep
“Well that’s just p@rt of my plan” he said like it was nothing serious

” Just p@rt of your plan??, Dad you’re ma-king me believe you’re going crazy alre-ady, that’s cyber crime dad, punishable un-der the law”I said

” Well the law doesn’t know, there’s no evidence traced to me, or will my son report me??” He said putting me in de-ep thought…

I definitely can’t report my own Dad and again I can’t tell Tiana, how will she feel, how will her family feel…

Betrayed of course…..

“Am going dad” I said leaving
“Don’t hurt yourself Tristan” I heard dad yelled from behind
Archie’s pov 👟

Samantha is giving me attitude now, and am not the one at fault…

I only acted that way because I was surprised by what she said, I never expected her to develop feelings for me
Yes we’ve been friends from childhood that’s why I wasn’t really moved to have feelings for her

Agreed she’s beautiful, nice, sweet, adoring and other stuff, but I never saw myself falling for her, I see her more of a sister and a friend…

I actually thought I was developing feelings for Tiana, but I thought wrong and I was also discouraged when we last met… It was obvious she now has feelings for that Tristan and am actually happy she found happiness

Oh!! No wonder Samantha always feel bad when ever I talk about having feelings for Tiana.

I felt really bad seeing her cry it kinda hurt me, am trying my best to talk to her but she’s proving stubborn, I guess I would see her when she probably calms down….
Girls are just so dramatic..
“Come in Fernando” I said to Fernando at the door, his visit was really unexpected, I’m not really expecting him here so soon, he really looked uneasy…
“What’s up Fernando?” I asked as he took the couch p@n-ting
“They’re after my life” he said glugging the bottle of water I have to him

“What??, Who’s after your life?” I asked

” I don’t know” he said and I had a feeling he was lying
” Are you, sure?, Then how do you know they are after your life?”I asked

” I know when am in danger, and right now, I think it’s the people behind that drug case” he said

” You got a point there” I said
” So what would we do now?” I asked

“plea-se Archie I nee-d your help” he said

” Okay” I replied

” I have to stay in your house, if not I’ll be killed if I move carelessly regarding the fact they know my house alre-ady” he said..

” That’s no problem, but for now, we have to find a disguise for you, this is only evidence that we’re close to getting those criminals” I said and he nodded..

Something is definitely up with Fernando, I hope he’s safe, he’s our only clue of catching those criminals

Since he c@m£ into the case, we’ve been discovering a lot of transaction they’re into and am kinda surprised he knows their database system
There’s a lot of things going on and Fernando has to be careful, the fact that he volunteered alone would make those criminals more desperate to bring him down…
Tiana’s pov 👗

What’s happening
Dad’s and Edward’s company is being faced with challenges
And now I’ve been blocked from accessing the company dad merged with the Trevor’s
Am also in charge of this company, anything that take place has to be in my cons£nt and Tristan’s also
Or did Tristan block me??

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Forced - S01 E20

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Forced - S01 E22

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