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The Girl On The Video - S01 E07

Story 2 months ago

The Girl On The Video - S01 E07

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 7

"Go on, my mother said, looking around at the three of us.

"This is going to be uncomfortable, but we think it's time that we came clean about Bryce's accomplice, and how that all went down."

"So why are you coming to me?" my mother asked, dismissively. "You should talk to the police, or you-" she looked at me "- you should talk to your parole officer." She said the words "your parole officer the way you might say "intestinal parasite".

"I plan on it," I said. "But we wanted to talk to you first. You need to know what really happened, and why it happened, and why we didn't tell you before now, and who else is involved."

"I really don't..." she started, but I cut her off.

"Give us five minutes." I said. "At the end of five minutes if you don't want to hear the rest of the story, we will leave and you will never need to look at my face again. Never is a long time. Don't you owe it to yourself to at least hear what we have to say before you send me back to the outer darkness?"

My mother made a dismissive motion that I interpreted as assent. So Megan took out her laptop and showed my mother the video, showed her the evidence. Then told my mother about that night when Brenda caught Jesse and I. I told her about the aftermath, and why I ended up in that jewelry store that night. And finally Jesse told her about how we had discovered her videos on Brenda's website, and realized it was time to come clean.

My mother didn't kick us out after five minutes. Forty-five minutes later, she sat in stunned silence as we finished our tale. Her eyes were wet.

"I can't believe it," she said. "I know I was not the greatest mother, but this...I can't believe it. I am incredibly sorry."

She turned to me. "What you went through to try to protect my feelings...I... She leaned forward and we embraced. "I can never make it back up to you, but I will try."

The next couple of hours were spent talking about what we had been doing the past few years, how I was getting on after college (so-so), our relationship with Megan (our new mutual girlfriend) and our financial situation (sucked).

"Would you like to join me in the hotel business?" my mother

asked when we were discussing finances. "I can give you the other penthouse in this hotel, or one in one of the others. Furnished or unfurnished, your call. You guys can live there and learn the family business

It didn't take Jesse and I a lot of convincing-giving up our tiny, shabby apartments and second hand crap furniture. By the time the mid-afternoon rolled around, we had an agreement we would meet the next day to see the apartment she was offering. Megan said she would live with us but wanted to continue her current job and career. At least we solved the boss-relationship problem.

Towards the end of the discussion, my mother brought up the videos on Brenda's website.

"I had never expected you guys would find them or figure out it was me," she said. "That's why I wore the mask. I am sorry."

Before any of us could answer, Megan spoke up.

"Don't worry about it," she said. "They were hot. We watched a bunch last night and had a circle jerk."

"Megan!" I interrupted her. "Not cool."

She shrugged, but my mother laughed.

"Did you like them?" my mother asked. I nodded, so did Jesse.

"Megan's right," I added. "They were incredibly hot."

My mother smiled a wicked little smile and looked at us slyly. "I'm really glad you liked them."

For a moment, the facade of the sweet middle aged mom was gone, and instead I could see her other side in her eyes. The side that came out in those videos. She took in me, my sister, Megan and I knew by her face that she was having thoughts like those we had when we watched her movies.

Jesse and Megan had to go because they had concert tickets for that night. I had to go with them since they were my ride.

"Why don't you come back after you get your car?" my mother asked. "We have a lot we need to catch up on. We can go somewhere for dinner or have room service deliver, I have several rooms, you can sleep here for the night."

It sounded fine to me.

Jesse, Megan and I were in the car, riding back to their apartment, mostly in silence when Megan broke the ice.

"She did not look like a girl who would make porn videos," Jesse said. "I was surprised. I almost expected her to meet us at the door dressed like a camwhore."

Megan shrugged. "She didn't want to meet us initially, she didn't know we had seen the videos, she wanted to play the sad, dejected mother. The real test will be how she is when you go back. If you go back and she's still miss prissy, I'd tell her to quit playing games. We all saw that look on her face when we talked about the videos."

I wouldn't mind a shot at the girl saw in the videos. And, honestly, I wouldn't mind a shot at both the girls in the videos - including my aunt. Though the feelings for my aunt was more a rage fuck than love.

I rode back with Megan and Jesse, swung by my apartment to grab an overnight bag, and went back to my mother's.

When I got to her apartment she was still wearing the mom clothes from earlier. I had to admit was disappointed. I still wanted to get to know her better and to rebuild that relationship, but I had done time in juvie trying to save her feelings while she was fucking the woman who sent me there. It wasn't right.

"So do you want to go somewhere to eat or eat here?" she asked. We can eat out on the terrace with room service, or go downstairs to the hotel restaurant - which is really good or go out somewhere.

"Let's go out somewhere to eat," said. "Someplace nice, where you dress nice."

"I know just the place," she said.

After making the reservation, she showed me to my room and we both went into different bathrooms to get ready. I showered and pulled on slacks and a dress shirt. I was sitting in the living room when my mother came out of her room dressed in a conservative dress and blouse.

I had to admit I was disappointed. I knew it was wrong, but I had suffered so much for her and this was the best she could do?

I didn't know what kind of a reaction I was going to get from her. but I decided to take the bull by the horns.

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The Girl On The Video - S01 E06

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The Girl On The Video - S01 E08

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